
Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Install the latest version of Bisq
  3. How to use it
  4. Backup User Data
  5. Update Bisq
  6. Remove Bisq
  7. References


Bisq is and open-source desktop software. Bisq provides a peer to peer bitcoin exchange experience: Buy and sell bitcoin for fiat (or other cryptocurrencies) privately and securely using Bisq’s peer-to-peer network.


Install the latest version of Bisq

  • Open a Terminal window: choose Applications ▸ Utilities ▸ Terminal

  • Clone Run-on-Tails GitHub repository:
    $ cd ~/Downloads
    $ git clone
  • Setup Bisq installation:
    $ chmod +x ./run-on-tails/bisq/ 
    $ ./run-on-tails/bisq/ 
    • Wait for the message Bisq installation setup completed successfully.

How to use it

  • Choose Applications ▸ Other ▸ Bisq

    Bisq Data directory is relocated to the Persistent Storage at /home/amnesia/Persistent/bisq/Bisq, so that your wallet, keys, etc. are not lost every time Tails shuts down.
    On the other hand, Bisq application installation is done entirely in memory. Therefore, Bisq must be reinstalled after every Tails boot. The installation is done automatically when you launch Bisq through the desktop menu icon.

Backup User Data

  • While Bisq is closed, copy your Bisq Data directory located at /home/amnesia/Persistent/bisq/Bisq to a backup location.

Update Bisq

  • Follow the instructions to Install bisq

  • Restart Tails

Remove Bisq

  • Open a Terminal window: choose Applications ▸ Utilities ▸ Terminal

  • Remove persistent configuration:

    $ persistence_dir="/home/amnesia/Persistent"
    $ rm -fr $persistence_dir/bisq/utils
    $ rm -f $persistence_dir/bisq/*.deb*

Your Bisq Data directory located at /home/amnesia/Persistent/bisq/Bisq is not deleted. This directory contains important files, including your BTC and BSQ wallet files.
You should copy your Bisq Data directory to a backup location before deleting it manually.
